Friday, November 19, 2010

Cool Stuff Every Kid Should Know - About Cities Around the USA!

Arcadia's series "Cool Stuff Every Kid Should Know" is awesome! After I read the six titles I was sent, I let my niece read them, and then we read them together, and she agreed: "Aunt Jane, now I want to go to these places and see this stuff for real!" I agreed. Even cities I'd already seen took on new wonder, after I read these simple little books.

I read "Cool Stuff Every Kid Should Know" about Buffalo, NY; Charleston, SC; Orlando, FL; Atlanta, GA;, and Cincinnati, OH.

Each book had 48 pages and 70 color photographs, and each page was laid out in a very easy and interesting way, making it fun for Stephanie and me to read and point things out to each other.

The books are suggested for readers age 7 - 11, but seriously, I think anyone of any age would enjoy learning about the various cities in our country.

Each book is $9.99.

I am seriously considering putting together a trivia competition at school, based on the information in these books. I think they're perfect for such things, at home or at school. Homeschoolers, especially, might be interested in this series.

The author, Kate Boehm Jerome, loves to write educational books for kids! Her award-winning programs are avidly read by thousands of young people in homes and schools throughout the United States. Kate is an active volunteer in her local school district and is a member of various Boards and organizations that promote both child and adult literacy - and, in particual, science literacy.

the publisher, Arcadia Publishing, is committed to American manufacturing. All books are manufactured entirely in South Carolina on American-made, FSC certified paper. the FSC logo assures consumers that the paper comes from forests tht are managed to meet the social, economic, and ecological needs of present and future generations.

What happened in 1927 that helped Canada and the United States become even better neighbors?

How do the streets in Charleston stay so clean?

What do Orlando's animals and its waste water have in common?

What does Atlanta's "Celebration of the Century" have to do with ancient Greece?

What city is nicknamed "Porkopolis?"

See what I mean? These books are masterpieces of important trivia and information about the cities in our own country.

P.S. Do you know the answers? Prove it in the comments!

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